
Tuesday, 1 December 2015

WALT: create a simple animation to move, jump, walk, run and/or  make sound
S.C: I can make my actor, walk, run, jump and add a sound

I can use the right blocks to tell the computer what to do.

Computer Science My Learning Journal The most important thing was to make the person move and jump. I was telling the computer how to move my character and I had to add blocks in to tell it what to do. You can build stuff that stays around forever for kids to do. I could get my family involved. I need help with moving my person around by knowing which blocks to use that will make my person move. It felt great learning about coding. I learned the skills first. It was fabulous to see the other students doing it. It splendid to do something new. I enjoyed doing coding.

Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Te Ataarangi Term 4.


Ko te mea nui ko te whakawhiti korero ki to hoa.
E ako ana ahau ki ng kupu korero…

Tangohia, Whakahokia me te waihoa

Wednesday, 12 August 2015

Recount Writing

WALT: Write a recount using a variety of sentence structures, beginnings and lengths.

At netball.

Walking down the courts on a hot Saturday morning. My team mates and I had a game of netball. I was so happy to play netball. When we were strolling through the netball courts, I could just see my cousins getting their uniform so I raced toward them to get my uniform.

When I was dressed, I asked Myra “who are we playing?” She didn’t even know who we were playing.

I thought that we were playing Ohaeawai.  Those girls were very tall.  I was worried because our team isn’t.  Luckily, we were playing Horeke. Looking around I couldn’t see them.  “Hmmmm, I wonder where Horeke is?” I remember asking myself.  I looked around for the missing team, and spotted them walking closer and closer toward us.

Horeke had 9 kids and our Tautoro team had only 5 team mates.  The Horeke kids were small so we had to go easy on them. I was so rapt to play netball.  Keeping busy and playing sport helps to keep me fit and healthy.

While we played the netball game me and Rangimarie were the tallest people on the court.  There was also one boy (my cousin) Lloyd who played for us.  When we were defending and shooting, I started to get sweaty.  I hate getting sweaty.  I felt like having a drink but if I had a drink, I would probably get a stitch so I didn’t. I had a very good game that day.

Light Presentation

Thursday, 28 May 2015

Taku Mihi

My Mihimihi.

Ka tu ahau ki te tautoko ki te kaihimene me te kai karakia
No reira, tena korua.

Ka huri ahau ki a koutou hoki
No reira nau mai, haere mai, hoki mai,
Hoki mai ki raro i nga maunga
o Tautoro me Tauanui
Ko te roto ko Kereru
Ko te awa e tere mai nei ko Punakitere
Ko te waka ko Mahuhukiterangi
Ko te marae ko Te Riingi
Ko te hapu, ko Ngati Moerewa me Ngati Rangi
No reira, haere mai,
Whakatau mai ra…
Ko ahau e tu atu nei
Ko Ani rawa ko Patrick oku matua
No Heaven ahau.
No reira huri noa
Tena koutou Tena koutou Tena koutou katoa.

This is my mihi that I am learning.
My mihi explains here I come from and who I am.

Tuesday, 24 March 2015


WALT: to write personal characteristics of myself.
Bright, smart, sporty, natural,
Sister of TeAumihi, Cali and Petuere.
Lover of eating chocolate, cats and watching video.
Who feels sad when animals have no owner,  no food and no where to live.
Who needs to have money, a pool and food.
Who gives a special fathers day card, presents and clothes to my cousins.
Who fears blue and black ocean snakes, huge lions with sharp claws and spiders with long arms and lots of eyes.
Who would like to see all of my whanau altogether, a koala,

Resident of Tautoro Piccadilly Rd