
Tuesday, 22 March 2016

My Book Review.


This week I have been reading a story named Heartbeat. It is a non fiction, the author is Ngapo. My story is mainly about a little girl and her papa are fighting against the council to not use the rauka for houses. The bit that surprised me was that Turnbull (he is a grumpy man that wants to chop the tree’s down) He wanted to turn them into shops and houses.

The part that I liked is when Wiremu and his friends tried to stop Turnbull from chopping the trees. I learnt that if we use to much nature for stuff We will brake Tane Mahuta’s heart.
What have you been reading lately?

Wednesday, 16 March 2016

some scenes may have your pants in a twist.

Are you game enough to handle this story, if so read on-but beware you have been warned!!!

One hot sweltering afternoon, my cousin Kiriwa and I were deciding if we should walk 5km to the falls for a swim, or run 800m down behind our farm to the creek instead. It was obvious we chose the creek. The only obstacle was the HOT HOT SUN!!, which blazed down on the dry brown grass, and the light gust of wind which was only tickling the ends of our sweat that was pouring out of our bodies.
Our decision was to run as fast as we could,

So we ran,
800m-through the dry brown grass, under the hot blazing sun,
600m-getting closer to the sound of running crisp cold water within the creek,
400m-nearly there! can really feel that sweat racing down my head
200m-Kiriwa yells “look! I can see the creek!” “YUS! we’re nearly there.

100m-OH!!! NO!!! CCRRRAAASSSHHHH!!!, My sprint has come to a sudden stop! I caught up in a fence!!! Instantly I heared a tearing sound coming from my pant’s RIIIP!!. My pants gave way.

A little while later SPLATT!! and now I'm covered in gooey gucky gicky cow dung!!, All I can hear is the echoing of Kiriwa’s laugh. My cheeks bluffed bright red. I stood up, and smiled, because I have arrived at my final destination!

And now I learnt that I have to look at my surroundings when I am doing something