
Sunday, 30 October 2016

Is this a Pacific Paradise or not? Read down below and see what you think.

Image result for Pacific paradise mary campbell

This is my book review, And I have been learning to summaries better and to be able to find the key phrases to create a summary for my book review.
I have been learning to summaries a story and to have my responds in a new paragraph to interest my readers.

This week have been reading an article called Pacific Paradise. Written by Mary Campbell.

This book is mostly about the teachings of long-fin eels and short-fin eels. From this book I learnt the life cycle of the long-fin eel from a little egg until they die of exhaustion. Image result for Pacific paradise mary campbell

The first metamorphosis (transformation) is that they are little eggs, and when they get a little bit older they turn into a larva (an immature form of an insect or other animal) then the second transformation is a glass eel and as they get a bit more older they transform into a elver eel then as they get older they turn into an adult eel then it transforms into spawning eels.
Here is an example of the long-fin eel life cycle.

This book also teaches us the location to find the eel and the types of food they eat and also their length of the fish and people say that the eels might go extinct this is because Hydro dams and other water reservoirs are blocking the migration(an animal's long journey to breed or to live somewhere else) of the elver upstream. Now that's a big deal for me.

My favorite bit on this book was when I got to learn the life cycle of the long-fin eel it was very interesting because I had never known that long-fin eels die of exhaustion after they have had their eggs. I learnt that long-fin eels go through a huge metamorphosis and recently I have learnt that metamorphosis means a transformation. I recommend this book to advanced readers because some words in this book is a little bit challenging. Hey, wait for a sec, I wonder what you’ve been reading?

Friday, 21 October 2016

Coo, man, coo.

This is my recount. I hope to get good advice from you so I can improve in my writing. 

This week I was learning to develop independence in planning for my writing. The most successful I achieved in my writing was to try and use figurative language such as simile, hyperbole, pun or metaphor, and alliteration.

  • Blue-Similes
  • Yellow-sentences starting with an adverb
  • green-alliteration
  • pink-metaphor

A sight of beauty.

With a breeze going through the window, and a glint of sunlight shining through the window on a Saturday afternoon in Waima I sat broadly in the room. My mind was as tired as a sloth. Honestly, I thought that this day would be boring, so I wondered to myself “what should I do?” And then I heard a noise from outside, it sounded like a flap of a wing, and some tweeting coming from outside. I was like a lion hunting for prey. I Silently Sneaked out onto the deck, What could it be? What will happen? I thought to myself then when I made it to the deck,, It was a terrifying, scary, most horrible... pigeon! The pigeon was as beautiful as a rose. It had beautiful, pure green feathers and glorious purple feathers on its wing.I was a fizzy can ready to burst with excitement. That pigeon was such a beautiful sight. Occasionally I see pigeons, but I’ve never seen them that close.

By the time the pigeon flew up on the roof I immediately told Letisha to come here and all I could possibly want her to do was to be quiet. When I heard footsteps coming down from the lounge. I possibly thought that it would had been Letisha but it was my little baby sister. Then you Wouldn’t believe what my Sister did, she came right through the door stamping her feet. She was bigfoot. I wish she was locked up in the room for a year at least. The pigeon flew away faster than lightning. I don't like my sister because she’s loud but I do like my brother because he likes looking at the clouds. So I decided to bring him outside to look at this exquisite bird. Absolutely beautiful, its wings was spread out wide with its wings looking down on us, It soared through the air like an Eagle.

Recently after that I Zoomed!! inside for some cake made by Letisha, It was DELICIOUS, so me and Letisha decided if we should go give a piece of her delicious cake to the pigeon. We searched for the bird around the whole front yard, and we couldn’t find the pigeon. I thought that it would had taken us days to find it but then we remembered that we just checked in the front yard, so why shouldn’t we check in the backyard, so we went to check the back yard. And there it was, peking its beak into the ground. Letisha Threw one piece of her delicious cake and I thought that the pigeon would had eaten it but I thought wrong it actually ignored her nice cake. So me and my cousins went back inside because we didn’t want to disturb it from eating.

That day was so great even though I thought that it would be boring but however. I could never imagine it to be more better. I was so happy to see the sight of a pigeon.


My next steps are to use more mood/feeling in my story to make my story more interesting.
I know I learnt How to begin a sentence with an adverb because in my story I used an adverb at the begining of my story.