
Tuesday, 20 March 2018

The guide to be a good sportsman player

W.A.L.T create an explanation writing that explains how being a good sports player works and what it is.

I hope you enjoy reading my magnificent piece of writing

The guide to be a good sportsman player
People have had there moments in sports, such as, getting angry because someone cheated but they really
didn’t, people cry because they didn’t win a match, people get over hyped about winning a game, people
cry when they win a game. So today I will be talking about how to be a good sportsman player.

What is a good sportsman player
To be a good sportsman player you have to use you hoe, such as aroha, tikanga, ponotia, manaakitanga,
kaitiakitang, awhi, and more.

Another way to be a good sportsman player is also someone who participates as a team player.
This will cause a huge effect on everyone else because maybe they would do the same as you, show awhi
to one another, someone who participates as a team player, and a person who plays fair. A good
sportsman player is a person who treats everyone with respect.  For example if you lost a game you be
graceful about it, if you made someone fall over you go over and help them, if you won you be humble.
That is what you call a sportsman player.

How do you be a good sportsman player?
To be a good sportsman player you have to abide by the rules and reverence others

To improve on my writing skills I will make sure that all of my sentences are grammarly correct
Have you ever written an explanation piece of writing before? 
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