
Monday, 14 January 2019



Have you ever wondered if your country could potentially become predator free? or at least save out innocent animals from becoming extinct?

Well, today that is what I am talking about. I have been assigned to tell us which one of the videos you liked the best and why.. Down below I have listed the videos that we got to decide between:

Predator Free Video #1: Cacophony Project
Predator Free Video #2: Taranaki Mounga Project
Predator Free Video #3: Zero Invasive Predators (ZIP)
And I have decided to chose the Zero Invasion Predators (ZIP) video, I have created a brief talk that explains that reason that interests me that most, so here it is

If possible, how or what strategy would you use to help your country become predator free? Or help your innocent animals? comment down below.

Anyways that's all from me blog ya later...


  1. Kia Ora Heaven,

    It’s awesome to see that you are back blogging with the Summer Learning Journey. I also watched this video and I found it very interesting! I hope that the new trials for ZIP will be successful on the mainland so we can start cleaning predators out of our country! One things that our family did on our family farm is that we trapped possums. That meant that we were slowly reducing the number of possums on our farm and it gives the all native birds on our farm a better chance of survival. Do you think there is anything that you and your family could do to help?

    Blog ya later,


  2. Kia-ora Heaven,
    It is great to see you keep doing the SLJ activities. What made you stop in the first place? Anyways, I really loved reading your presentation explain the project you chose. Which was very interesting. I really enjoyed reading it and I hope to read more of your posts!

    Nga mihi,


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