Today I assigned to write a short summary of the book. What was it about? Try to summarise the story in 6-8 sentences.
Basically like a book review.
So here is my book review:
So this story is about a a man named Mitai and his brothers. Mitai's brothers were very self conscious and cared enormously about their looks.
One day they heard voices of angels so they followed it up onto a hill , and it led them to 7 stunning wahine, and every brother fell in love besides Mitai.
The brothers then treated the wahine as if they queens and didn't want to disappoint them. The brothers cared so much about the wahine they forgot to look after themselves, and Mitai's curiosity starts to increase.
One day when the brothers had returned early from gathering kaimoana the wahine had disappeared, so Mitai decides to go out to the eldest brothers house to look for the wahine. When he gets there he sees 6 birds sitting outside on the tree and sees another fly out of the house. They then turn into wahine and start talking about their plan about starving the brothers to death so Mitai flew back to the village to warn them.
When he gets back he has a conversation with the brothers and koroua about what they were going to do to get rid of them, and koroua had handed them special nets to capture them with and then throw them the farthest away from this earth.
So the brothers go out on the search for the wahine. As the wahine came out of the house each brother caught them and had taken them to Uru-te-nga-nga (god of the stars) and asked her to throw them to them away to the farthest Heavens, and so she did.
And every year Uru-te-nga-nga gives them a chance to shine in a special occasion called Matariki.
What I found challenging: What I found challenging through the process of making this was just writing the book review in general.
What I found easy: What I found easy through the process of making this was nothing, for me it was completely hard, but I do recommend this book to any ages because it is a fantastic book.
Here is a question, if you were one of the wahine what would your evil plan be? Comment down below
Anyways, I hope you enjoy/ed my book review about the seven stars of Matariki, blog ya later...