
Tuesday, 18 December 2018

Are you an animal lover?

Week 1 Day 2:
Today we have been given a task to list three pro's and con's about working as a DOC ranger.

Here is a brief explanation on what a DOC ranger is. Great Barrier Island and Little Barrier Island. These islands are where animals a brought to live and to be protected for the rest of their lives. Very few people, other than staff working for the New Zealand Department of Conservation (DOC), are allowed to live there. The DOC staff are called ‘Rangers.’ Their job is to protect the wildlife (animals and plants) living on the island.

What did I find challenging: What I found challenging through the process of making this is nothing, because I found this completely easy since I am an animal lover.

What did I find easy: What I found easy through the process of making this was just creating this presentation in general.

Anyways I hope you enjoy/ed my presentation, blog ya later.


  1. Mauri Heaven,

    Well done on creating another spectacular presentation. Being a DoC ranger sounds like it would be a very interesting career to have. There are lots of pros of being a DoC ranger, including spending time in our beautiful National Parks. It’s lovely to read that animals bring joy to your heart. Animals bring joy to my heart as well. I own a big fat ginger cat called Reuben and he brings joy to me everyday. Do you own any pets?

    Did you know there is a Kiwi Conservation Club website, that has lots of different activities you can do to learn more about conservation in New Zealand as well as ways to help conserve our country. You can check it out below:

    I look forward to reading more of your blog posts soon!


  2. Hi Heaven,

    I also would love to be a DOC Ranger,Did you know my aunty is apart of the DOC.I can't wait for more amazing posts form you.

    Keep it up,

  3. Kio-na heaven,
    I like the way on how you did your reasons about the pros and cons. I also love your title, it just made me think for a minute and see if I am an animal lover.

    Nga mihi,
    - Zephaniah


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