
Thursday, 20 December 2018

Do you love your home country? Because I know I do

Week 1 Day 3:

Tena koutou katoa today I have been assigned to post a description of life in New Zealand in 2018. It is your job to ‘paint a picture’ of New Zealand using your words. You can also post pictures, if you wish. Be sure to fully attribute the pictures

It was very interesting creating this brief video but overall it was fun.

What I found challenging: What I found challenging through the process of making this is trying to find the creator of the photo so I could attribute them in my video asl just creating the video was hard itself if I was to be honest

What I found easy: What I found easy through the process of making this was absolutely nothing because it was so difficult because my laptop keeps lagging all the time

anyways I hope you enjoy/ed my brief video about New Zealand, blog ya later...


  1. Nice work Heaven. I love how you put this presentation on a animating app. It made me think of how its good being here in NZ. And how the country is full of alot of great people.

    Nga mihi,

  2. Kia Ora Heaven,

    Wow, I love your video! It is very informative and it gives viewers a great run down of our beautiful country. I am glad that we aren’t going to disappear into the ocean anytime soon! I would hate to leave this place. Have you enjoyed the Summer Learning Journey so far? I have really enjoyed reading all of your posts and I hope that you keep this effort up for the rest of the programme.

    Thank you for taking the time to attribute all of your photos, I really appreciate it.

    Blog ya later,


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