
Tuesday, 25 December 2018

You are my sunshine...



Today I have been assigned to list five different way to protect ourselves from the sun. Today I have created a poster on an app called Canva. It is an amazing website that can create stunning posters. So go check it out.

What I found challenging: What I found challenging through the process of making this was researching for different ideas for the poster.

What I found easy: What I found easy through the process of making this was collecting the photo's that are contained within the poster.

This is my poster:

What are some more ways to protect yourself from the sun? Comment down below...

Anyways, I hope you enjoy/ed my poster talking about how to protect yourself from the sun, blog ya later...

1 comment:

  1. Mōrena Heaven,

    You have created some really good points that everyone should know. Do you wear hats at school in summer? I find that your face gets really burnt even with sunblock on so it is important to wear a well shaded hat. Sunblock or sunscreen is another great point, you should make sure you wear this daily, especially in summer!
    My favourite point of yours, is to wear light clothing. Did you know that people who wear heavy and hot clothing during summer, can get sunstroke or heat stroke from overheating. The trick is to drink water and wear light clothing, like you mentioned!

    I am really looking forward to reading more of your blogs :)

    Blog you later!
    Georgia E


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