
Tuesday 13 December 2016

The Disappearing Eel.

Long, silky, and shiney, what beautiful words. Those three words can describe the beautiful, delightful longfin eel. Did you  know that these long-fin eels might just become extinct? So, i'm going to explain how can we prevent the longfin eels from being extinct.
Habitat Lost
Firstly i’ll be talking about habitat lost, because their rivers are nearly all being drained. With no water they won’t be able to make it to the ocean to spawn. Their homes are being drained by farmers and they are making their rivers dirty, warm, and polluted. Also there are some rivers that are now swampy and muddy. Would you like it if eels were not able to spawn? They could all die and we would have no more  eels that can exist in this world. Farmers uses the river for growing crops. They supply water to help plants to grow.

Raised culverts
Now i’ll demonstrate some things about raised culverts that can kill eeIs. Now I know that culverts help us in life, but hold your horses, when it comes down to eels it is hard for them to make it to the otherside. For example If a short-fin was trying to get up into the culvert it won’t be able to make it to the otherside because the water is so powerful that it can push it back down. How disturbing is that? How would they be able to spawn(have babies) if that is holding them back. We need to bring a stop.
Now I’ll explain about dams, dams also helps us in life but as I already stated, when it comes down to a eel it has to struggle to get to the other side. For example if an eel was trying to get to the other side they won’t be able to get there because there is a humongous wall blocking them from getting to the ocean and with that big wall in the way they won’t be able to spawn. Also if an eel was trying to get back from spawning/migrating they would first have to go through and intake (heaps of pipes) then if they make it through there they would have to go through a turbine which can slice them into pieces. Isn’t that gross and disturbing.
How can we Help?
It’ll be great if we could at least add a pipe through the dam for just the eels only. And also with the raised culverts they  could add a hole for just eels only.
All of this evidence points to the fact that, rivers, raised culverts and dams help us in life but it actually can make eels just go extinct so, How can we prevent eels from becoming extinct. Comment down below and tell me some other things that can make eels extinct.

I have been learning to write an explanation writing.
I was trying to predict people into not making eels extinct by not doing things that can kill them.

Friday 2 December 2016

Past, Present, Future.

We have been learning to understand the maori words I, E, Ka.
I, Means past tense
E, Means in the present
Ka, Means in the future.
What I found challenging was trying to extend the sentence more to make the word more interesting.
What I found easy was trying to find the correct word for the sentence.

Animals, Animals, Animals

I have been learning to classify animals into groups. 
Eg. Amphibians, reptiles insects and more groups can classify animals.

What I found easy was to learn about these fascinating creatures.
What I found challenging was how to put  the facts into our own words.

The Annual Athletics

On Thursday we went to Kaikohe East school to compete at the Inteschool Athletics. There were a lot of schools competing. The schools were Okaihau Primary, Ohaewai school,East school, West school, Kaikohe Christian and of course Tautoro School. We were split up  into groups. The groups were Year 5 group, Year 6 group and there was a year 7&8 group. The year 5s went away with the teacher to do high jump and the year 7&8s went with the year 6s to do shot put.
My Teacher was proud of us to take that risk of competing at the Inter school Athletics. I was also proud of myself because I versed up against the best but I tried my best to complete the activity. I really enjoyed that day...